Jameelah Rheaves, LLMSW, MDiv
Master's in Social Work, Master's in Divinity
Personal statements:
Try Jesus! And, try me! Created in the image of God, we are mind, body, and spirit. Life experiences and transitions may appear to be isolated to one area, but the entirety of us is affected. I am passionate about helping you reach homeostasis in whatever your new normal looks like, and I am charged to care for you and/or your family holistically, so you can live and thrive from a place of wholeness.
Anxiety & Depression
Life Transitions
Grief & Loss
Child & Adolescent
Foster Care & Adoption
Maternal Mental Health
B.S. Family Social Services – Northern Illinois University
M.S.W. Family & Child Studies – University of Illinois-Chicago
M.Div. – Northern Seminary, Lombard IL
School Therapist, Camelot Therapeutic Day School, IL
House Manager/Therapist, Hope Refuge, CA
Foster Parent Recruiter and Trainer, TN
Therapist, Synergy Health Center, Kalamazoo
Therapist, YWCA Kalamazoo
DONA Trained Doula
TF-CBT Trained
Serving the Body of Christ, travel, fine and performing arts, ethnic food enthusiast